Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Hardwood Flooring Cleaning Tips (for NYE)

New Year's Eve is here and that means parties or at least a get together. For many people, we will either be going somewhere to welcome in 2014 or we will be welcoming people into our homes to welcome in 2014. In both cases, especially if you are the one doing the entertaining, here are a few tips for you to keep your hardwood floors looking great as you have a great time tonight.

  • Wipe up spills immediately. The longer you let spills sit on your hardwood floor, the harder it will be to remove and the better the chances it will do damage to your floors. 
  • Use doormats, both interior and exterior, to collect any moisture and dirt that is on the bottom of your guests' shoes. 
    • It is winter afterall; for those of us in the northern half of the US, it means there is snow and ice on the ground. 
  • Place area rugs in spots of your floor that are considered high traffic points. 
    • In front of food, sinks, fridges, etc. If you think a lot of people will be in an area, then put a rug there. 
  • Consider a dehumidifier because it will reduce the amount of humidity produced by all the moisture outside and the body heat inside. 
  • Do not let water, either being brought in from outside due to the snow or from spills, sit on your floors for extended periods of time (we have already mentioned this). However, in addition to it doing damage to the floors if you let it sit but it can also create a dangerous surface for your guests- they can slip. 
If you do have any damage happen to your floors after tonight's festivities that need hardwood flooring maintenance or hardwood flooring restoration then feel free to contact us

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Winter Options for Hardwood Flooring

So winter is just around the corner now that we find ourselves in November. The mornings and nights are colder, or just downright cold, and there are times when walking barefoot on the hardwood floors is just not an option. So what can you do?

The options you have to solve the cold feet problem range from simple to more creative.

  1. The first option you have is to use socks and/or slippers. If you would rather not cover up your hardwood flooring at all and just wear socks and/or slippers in the house, then that is a good option. 
  2. The second option you have to solve this problem is by purchasing some rugs. You can find rugs in any shape, size, and color. You can get your rugs to match any upholstery or just a nice general color that compliments your rooms. 
  3. Your third option is to purchase carpeting tiles. Carpeting tiles are just what they sound like, tiles of carpet that you easily install and can then uninstall when you no longer want them in. The perk to these is that if there is a stain one of them, you only have to replace one or however many are stained. 
If cold hardwood floors is not something you have a problem with, then maybe dry air is. As we know, in the winter, the air gets dry and this can be annoying for many reasons. For one reason, unknown to many, is that if the air is too dry then it can harm you hardwood flooring. What do you do to fix this? Keep a humidifier in the house. Aside from keeping the floors moisturized, it will help if you get dry skin during the winter too, just a tip. 

Make sure that you keep snow and ice off your hardwood floors. Just like when it rains, water can get trekked into the house easily when snow and ice are on the ground. Leaving the snow and ice on your hardwood floors to melt can ruin your flooring. This means laying down a welcome mat or two for people and pets in your home to wipe their feet on. 

Friday, October 11, 2013

Fixing the Scratches in Your Hardwood Floors

Scratches can be such a nuisance in hardwood flooring! You have all these beautiful hardwood floors that you spent all that time and money installing and maintaining and then BAM! Scratch. Now your beautiful floors have that embarrassing looking scratch. How do you fix it? Well, there are some steps you can take to get rid of the scratch.
  1. Figure out how deep the scratch is. This is an important step in figuring out what to do next. Most scratches are only in the finish of the wood or at deepest, the surface level of the wood. Most scratches are not in the underpart of the wood, past the surface level, since those are considered cracks or gauges and they often require replacing that piece of wood or possibly a small section of the hardwood flooring. You will indeed know if the scratch is actually a gauge or a crack since they are such large imperfections in your floors. 
  2. Clean the area. The scratch area, like a scratch on a person, requires cleaning before you can start to repair the area. The reason for needing to clean the floors is because you want to remove any dirt that is in the area that will inhibit the repair from going smoothly. 
  3. Hide the scratch. If it is not time to refinish the floors and you would rather wait to fix the scratch until it is actually time to refinish the floors, then you have a few options. 
    1. The first is to hide the scratch with a permanent marker; these come in a wide variety of colors at stores and so you can find one that is similar if not exactly the color of your hardwood floors. 
    2. The second option is to find a stain marker. You can find these in flooring stores and hardware stores in colors that are going to match your hardwood flooring color. 
    3. Reapply some of the stain from the staining. If you have some of the stain laying around, go ahead and reapply some. You can do this with a cotton swab, cotton ball, something that will gently apply the stain but not leave any of itself behind. 
  4. Get a fix-it kit. Generally, flooring companies have fix-it kits they can give you to fix the scratch if you have a scratch that will not go away, even after you have tried the other home remedies. 
  5. What if you have deeper scratches? To fix the larger or deeper scratches, get a fine grade sandpaper and rub the area. Make sure to follow the direction of the grain and move the sandpaper in a circular motion. After that, wipe the area with a damp cloth to clean the area, then allow it to dry. Once the area is dry, grab some stain and use a paint brush or whatever tool you used during the original staining and reapply some stain. Do it gently and then allow it to dry. 
If your scratch is just too large or deep, then you may have to replace some of the flooring or at least that floorboard. Hardwood flooring maintenance and hardwood flooring refinishing is not always difficult work for things but if you would rather hire someone to fix it, then hire Chicagoland Pro - a Palatine hardwood flooring company. We give free estimates.  As a Chicago hardwood flooring company, we know that people love their floors and having a scratch or some repair can be stressful, don't worry, we can take care of it and you will love your floors! 

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Keeping Your Hardwood Floors Clean During Fall

As Fall peaks its head around the corner, we start to see how the wonderful season starts to make an impact on the cleanliness of our hardwood floors. But fear not! Just because there is a little extra dirt on the ground and leaves to step on does not mean that our floors have to suffer as well. There are a few, or more like 5, tips for keeping your amazing hardwood floors clean from dirt and gunk. Make sure to print this blog off or get a pen & paper because you will want to know this information.

The first tip for keeping your hardwood floors clean is to vacuum them every few days or at least weekly. Dirt builds up on floors very quickly and so do things like leaves. Even when you have a floor mat to wipe your feet off, sometimes things like leaves can still stick to the bottom of your shoes and make their way onto your hardwood floors. This issue compounds when you have pets that go inside and outside, such as dogs. Dogs are shameless and so they do not care, usually, about having some dirt on them and especially on their paws. While having dogs is a blessing, usually, they can make keeping your floors clean a magic act if you do not take the time to vacuum them every few days or once a week. It may seem silly but consider this, the dust and dirt that is brought into the house from outside acts like sandpaper on your floors; as the dirt sits on your floors and is pressed into the floors by people and pets walking on it, it grinds its way into your beautiful floors and wears on the finish of your floors. Try using a vacuum attachment when you do the vacuuming so you do not have to bend over and hurt your back; also, using an attachment with a felt bottom can pick up the dirt and prevent scratching the floor as opposed to using just the metal pipe or a rotating attachment.

The second tip for keeping your hardwood floors clean is to keep the rain out of your house. When you have a lot of rain, it is bound to make its way into your house via feet; people are outside and then they come inside or your pets are outside and then they have to come in, etc etc. The point is, rain is hard to keep out of your house and the frustration to win the battle is often high. The reason you want to keep the rain out of your house is because the water can ruin the finish on your hardwood floors. Another reason you will want to keep the rain out of your house is because if the water is left on your floors or is constantly there, then the water can seep its way into your floors and stain them, or worse, warp them. What you can do to help reduce the amount of water getting into your home is to have a mat for people to wipe their feet, encourage people to take off their shoes as soon as they step inside and wipe up any water that is on the floor. Have a designated spot for people to leave their shoes that are wet and make sure the area is able to handle water or at least keep it dry enough so the water does not ruin that spot.

The third tip to keeping your hardwood floors clean during fall is to keep the residue off the floor with a wax-free floor cleaner. This is something you can keep on hand for those quick fixes. For example, say someone spills a little juice on the floor, you can wipe up the juice with a paper towel or something but there is still some residue left on the floor from the juice; what you do is grab the wax-free floor cleaner and then spray a bit on the spot where the residue is and then clean. It may sound like more work than is necessary but the truth is, just wiping up a liquid that can leave a residue with a paper towel is not completely cleaning the area and so your floor finish can get ruined by the left-behind junk.

The fourth tip to keeping your hardwood floors clean during the fall months is to use a couple doormats. Now, early I mentioned how things can still get into your house and onto your hardwood floors even with the doormats but the truth is that things will be much worse if you do not use them at all. One thing you can try doing is to have extra long running mats on the floor; these mats are great for keeping things off the wood floors since by the time the person is done walking on the mat, they have walked at least 10 feet! Any dirt left on their shoes at that point is going to stay on their shoes.

The fifth tip to keeping your hardwood floors clean is to refinish the floors. If all else fails and the floors lose the battle against the elements, you may have to simply refinish the floors. You can either hire a service to do it or there are DIY ways to do it.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Refinishing Your Hardwood Floors 101

Have you been wondering how to do hardwood restoration at home? Well this blog will give you a few quick tips that can help you handle your hardwood floors .

The first tip is that you have to pick the right hardwood floor sander. If you are new to this sort of thing, then choosing any orbital sander is your safe bet; while these kinds of sanders do take longer to remove finish than drum sanders, they are more user-friendly. The reason orbital sanders are better for novices is because you can move them with or against the grain of the wood, it doesn't matter. The only precaution is that you keep the sander level while using it or you can have uneven sanding.

The second tip is to be careful & take precautions. Because of the amount of dust that is generated while doing hardwood refinishing , you should have plenty of dust masks, earplugs, and eye protection. Please, do not do the sanding without these things or the dust can get in your eyes, lungs & airways, ears and the sanders can be loud and damage your hearing. When applying the finish liquid, make sure to wear appropriate respirators, gloves (neoprene or vinyl).

The third tip is to be gentle. Don't be too aggressive with your hardwood while sanding them. Generally, you want to start with a lower grit count and then move them up as you progress your sanding and reach the desired fineness.

The fourth tip is to the careful while applying the finish. A good way to make sure you do the finish evenly is to go row by row on your hardwood floors . This way, you minimize the risk of over-coating while doing the floors . It is better to use thinner coats than thick coats while doing this stage.

Enjoy doing your own hardwood flooring refinishing and consult a pro if you run into any problems or questions.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Dogs and Hardwood Floors

Hardwood floors are nice to have in your home and look great; but what do you do when you have pets such as dogs? With their nails and constantly going inside and outside, they bring in elements from outside that can make your beautiful hardwood floors look crummy; not only bringing things inside, sometimes they create messes on the floor because they didn't get outside. Here are some hardwood floor types that can withstand the conditions of owning a dog or cat.

If you have a pet, you will want to get pre-finished hardwood floors. This will keep dirt and such out of the fibers in your floors. An option for pre-finished wood floors that will tolerate your pets will be laminate floors, such as pergo.

Another thing to remember is to get hardwood floors, not softwood. No matter what you do to softwood floors, such as pine, you won't be able to prevent the floor from getting destroyed.

Brazilian walnut floors are good for pets as well since it is dense. This floor is so dense that people have even been known to use it for exterior decks.

Another option to have nice floors that can take a beating, look to hard maple. You can count on this type of flooring being able to handle what you can dish out because it is often used for basketball courts.

An option that is durable that not many people have caught onto yet is bamboo flooring. This is a durable type of flooring because despite actually being a grass, not wood, it has resin mixed with the strands of bamboo that make the flooring very hard.

Hope you enjoy your great new floors and your pets!

Monday, June 24, 2013

Hardwood Flooring Textures: Brushed, Bandsaw and Tumbling

Our Palatine Hardwood Flooring Company can tell you that the final appearance of wood flooring is not just dependent on the type of timer but the treatements applied to the wood as well.  The staining, oil, wax, lacquer finishing, or fuming/smoking will affect the color of the wood as well. 

Chicagoland Pro specializes is hardwood flooring installation, hardwood flooring restoration, and hardwood flooring maintenance. In this blog, we will focus on the physical texture and grain of solid wood flooring.  There are three main textures of hardwood flooring, they are brushed, bandsawn, and distressed/tumbled. 


In the past, brushed flooring texture was achieved by hand using wire brushes.  Now with technology advancements, the same appearance can be achieved with purpose-built machinery which produces a steady depth of brushing over the while floor.

When our hardwood flooring company is trying to achieve the brushed appearance, we use a machine with copper of steel brushes that rotate over the surface.  This machine opens up the grain and turns the smooth surface into a more open-textured surface with indentations that follow the grain of the wood.  We can achieve different levels of grain accentuation depending on how hard or soft the brushing is.  We also can emphasize the depth of grain by using a colored or oiled finish that will accentuate the wood’s texture.


To create saw marks over the complete surface of the wood, our hardwood flooring installers would use a bandsaw.  We adjust the settings of the bandsaw to create different degrees of texture.  We have the skills to make your hardwood flooring look high textured and rustic or subtle. 


One of the most common textures our Palatine Hardwood Flooring Company provides is the look of reclaimed wood, which involves tumbling.  Tumbling is often times a much lower cost and gives wood a distressed look.  The resulting effect of tumbling is wood that appears to have years of wear and tear and is difficult to distinguish whether it is distressed or reclaimed wood/

For hardwood flooring tips, the best method to tumbling is to distress/soften the corners and edges of the wood to make it look word and our machine will also create random indentations across the surface to give an overall “naturally aged” look.  Distressing adds character and beauty to your hardwood flooring and it is suitable for modern times.

We understand that everyone has different tastes in flooring whether it be hard wood or carpet or tile.  We think it is important for people to realize that there are so many options and looks to hardwood flooring that can be achieved in a multitude of ways.  If you have any questions about hardwood textures, please contact Chicagoland Pro for Palatine Hardwood Flooring Installation or comment below!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Summer Hardwood Flooring Maintenence

Hardwood Floors take a beating - we all know this. But most especially in the Hardwood Floors looking great!
summer when humidity is high, air conditioners are running, and we're constantly cleaning muddy shoe prints up. The constant heat, cold, and wet conditions can take their toll after a while, but there are ways to keep your

Hardwood Floor Refinishing and Repair is the best way to keep your hardwood floors looking as good as new, and Chicagoland Pro, a Palatine Hardwood Flooring Contractor, is the way to go.

Our hardwood flooring company recommends that you seeks Chicagoland Pro as for Palatine hardwood flooring maintenance company.  Maintenance during the summer months in more important than most people realize.  This is because the floors tend to wear out more and even the most carefully installed floor can expand during the summer months and cup or buckle due to the high moisture and the humidity in the air.  

One of our other hardwood flooring tips is that we do recommend that you vacuum your hardwood floors.  Vacuuming the floors allows for dirt or dust that is trapped to be sucked up and disposed of which a broom cannot reach.  However, if you are vacuuming your hardwood floors we strongly recommend that you use the bare floor attachment and not to roll the vacuum across the floors because this could also damage your flooring.

Also, the strong summer sun is very damaging to hardwood flooring.  Many of our calls are for hardwood flooring restoration due to sun damaging the floors from the shades of blinds never being drawn down or closed.  Direct sunlight to hardwood flooring can lead to discoloring the floor.

If you want to protect your floor and keep it looking beautiful for as long as possible, have one of our Palatine hardwood flooring installation experts tell you what the best products are to clean and care for your floor.  We want to advise you against using wax, detergents or any oil based soaps which will or could damage the finishing on your floor. Hardwood flooring refinishing is a great option for anyone interested in getting the beautiful luster and charm back to the floors.  Our hardwood flooring company can tell you exactly what products to use that are designed for your flooring.  Do not just rely on any product or water alone because when certain products evaporate, they can cause hardwood flooring stains.

If you have any questions about your hardwood floors, or if you are interested in hardwood flooring maintenance or hardwood flooring restoration, comment below or contact our Palatine hardwood flooring company.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Why You Should Choose Walnut Flooring

Our Palatine hardwood flooring company knows how important it is to shop for the best quality flooring that will not exceed your budget.  Many people do not realize this, but most often, the floor is the first thing people look at when they walk into a new place.  Hardwood flooring is truly a focal point of your home and we want to help you make sure you make the best selection for your budget, the beauty of your home, and of course, for functionality.

Our hardwood flooring company knows that deciding on your flooring can be very time consuming and cannot be a spontaneous decision.  We are experts when it comes to hardwood flooring installation, hardwood flooring restoration, hardwood flooring maintenance and hardwood flooring restoration. 

Perhaps one of our favorite hardwood flooring panels we suggest to our clients is the dark walnut flooring.  We find that walnut flooring creates a timeless elegance in all homes that looks fantastic throughout the entire home.  The panels pick up a lot of colors that are great to match with furniture and art throughout your home.  Walnut definitely creates a warm ambiance and is very welcoming and comforting to guests. 

Palatine hardwood flooring also suggest walnut flooring because it is a hardwood that is extremely durable.  We know that you are looking for an affordable flooring option that is still attractive which is why one of our hardwood flooring tips is to buy walnut hardwood.  Walnut hardwood lasts much longer than other woods, so in the long run, it is a much better buy and will keep your home feeling cozy and beautiful longer.  Walnut also requires very little hardwood flooring maintenance.  We have found that walnut tends to resist water damage, mold, bug infestations, etc.  Not to mention, cleaning the floor is very simple because you are able to mop the floor without damaging it.  And hardwood flooring often, because walnut has a darker appearance, it hides dirt and grime well.  Walnut is also relatively easy to install, so our flooring experts can have your house looking beautiful in no time.
don’t worry if you are not able to clean your

If we haven’t sold you on selecting walnut hardwood flooring for your home, give our Palatine Hardwood Flooring Company a call.  We would love to speak with you about what flooring is best for your home and schedule an appointment for one of our Palatine hardwood flooring installers to visit your home.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Considerations with Hardwood Flooring Refinishing

Considerations with Hardwood Flooring Refinishing

Everyday wear and tear on your hardwood flooring will eventually accumulate into scratches and dulling in your hardwood flooring. Hardwood flooring maintenance and refinishing should be a regular routine in order to keep your hardwood flooring a great accent in your household. On average, most hardwood floors need to be refinished every three years. Whether or not your flooring needs refinishing or not always depends on certain outside elements such as the location and daily use/traffic. It may be pretty apparent, but the more an area is used or walked on, the quicker it will need attention. Common areas that should be considered first for hardwood flooring refinishing include: staircases, hallways, etc.

Are you concerned that your hardwood flooring is in need of a touch up or some refinishing? Don’t let the look of worn out hardwood flooring let you cover it up with carpeting. Most people actually believe that the value of hardwood flooring increases with age. Not sure if your rooms need to be refinished? Or maybe just certain areas? Not to worry, our experts at Chicagoland Pro have come up with a few hardwood flooring tips that will help you determine whether or not you need to consider refinishing your floors.

            The sound of hardwood flooring restoration or refinishing may seem a little intimidating at first. Yes, the process of hardwood flooring refinishing may be long and inconvenient, but will definitely be worth all of your hard work! When thinking of refinishing your hardwood flooring, consider the fact that the entire floor may not need the restoration. Same yourself some hassle and determine whether or not your entire hardwood flooring needs to be refinished. If you need assistance examining your hardwood floor in order to determine what type of hardwood flooring maintenance you need, contact Chicagoland Pro for a free estimate.

            The process of refinishing your hardwood flooring can save homeowners a lot of money! Unlike any other type of indoor flooring for your home, hardwood flooring doesn’t need to be replaced to look good as new. Flooring such as carpeting needs to be totally replaced when it’s worn out which can become very expensive especially if you need to replace it every three years. Hardwood flooring on the other hand can preserve itself and enhance its durability and strength by being refinished.

            For more information on hardwood flooring refinishing, keep up and subscribe to our blog! We would love to hear your feedback, so please feel free to comment below.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Radiant Flooring

Over the last few years we have been hearing a lot of homeowners talk heated flooring, also known as radiant flooring.  As a Chicago hardwood flooring company we felt we should at least address the topic and share our two cents on radiant flooring.  Here's what you need to know about radiant flooring before you decide to have it put in your home:

Can make for a more comfortable room

Perhaps you or someone you know has a home that is constantly cold.  No matter how much you turn up the heat, the house remains cold.  Having a drafty house happens.  Cold homes are typically the result of a home that isn't insulated very well. Radiant, or heated flooring, can make a room much more comfortable without the need to jack up the heating.  Homeowners that have radiant flooring talk about how nice it is to step onto warm bathroom tiles on those cold winter mornings.  While we may not be radiant flooring people ourselves, we can see how it would be a nice edition to a cold, drafty home.

Resale value

Every upgrade you put into your home gives it the potential to have a higher resale value later on down the line.  With this in mind, radiant flooring could be a nice addition if you plan on selling your home later.  An upgrade like heated flooring could certainly usher in some bids on your home for those buyers who want heated floors.

Quiet operation

One of the most commonly asked questions in regards to radiant flooring is "Is it loud?"  Surprisingly many homeowners and radiant installers alike report little to no sound from the flooring.  Compared to forced-air or radiator systems, radiant flooring is considerably quieter.

Gives homeowners the ability to use forced-air and radiator systems less often

Rather than continually running the heat all winter long, radiant flooring gives homeowners the ability to run their heat less, which is nice for homeowners looking to save some money on heating bills.  It also eliminates the dust and allergens that are associated with forced-air.

Have radiant flooring in your home? Let us know what you think of it in a comment below or contact us.

Palatine Hardwood Flooring Company
Palatine Hardwood Flooring
Chicago Hardwood Flooring Company
Chicago Hardwood Flooring 

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Hardwood and the Alternatives

When it comes to flooring for your home or office, the choices are truly endless.  As a Palatine hardwood flooring company, we often speak with homeowners who know that they want to install flooring for their homes, but aren’t sure what type of flooring they want to go with.  Depending on the needs of the room in your home the type of flooring you choose is crucial.  Every room in your home or office has different needs and to top it off, not all flooring is created equal.  Some types of flooring stand up to wear and tear better than others. Some types of flooring require more up-keep than others.  This is exactly why we tell homeowners to choose flooring based on the needs of room the flooring will be going in.  So how does one choose which is flooring is best?  Here are some facts on hardwood flooring and some of the top alternative flooring choices:

Hardwood Flooring

Most homeowners today are looking for hardwood flooring for their home and it is an understandable choice.  When it comes to selling your home, hardwood flooring instantly increases the resale value due to the fact that so many homeowners are willing to pay more for a home that utilizes hardwood flooring. Hardwood flooring comes in a variety of different species and shades and is available at most home improvement centers and online.  Hardwood flooring installation can be done by the homeowner themselves or by utilizing local hardwood flooring installers, like us. It is not recommended for homeowners to simply tackle hardwood flooring installation themselves as installation can be quite difficult.  Hardwood flooring is not only aesthetically pleasing, but it is durable and also natural.  Hardwood flooring is a great choice for allergy sufferers since hardwood does not provide spaces to harbor dust, dirt and mold. 


Tile flooring is undoubtedly one of the top choices of flooring for bathrooms and kitchens. Tile flooring, like hardwood flooring, is quite durable and is very easy to clean. Ceramic tiles can be found at local home improvement stores and occasionally, you can find tile at very low prices.  While the tile pieces themselves may be cost-friendly, the cost of installing the tile may be a lot more than you bargained for.  Tile installation can get quite costly.  The other downside to tile is that it is quite hard against the bottoms of feet and that it stays cold, which can be less than desired during the cold winter months.

Laminate Flooring

Over the past few years we, as hardwood flooring installers, have had quite a few people ask about installing laminate flooring.  While we are obviously hardwood flooring people ourselves, we can understand the draw for wanting laminate flooring.  Laminate flooring is made to look like the real deal despite the fact that it is not.  Laminate flooring can be aesthetically pleasing (unless you’re the “all hardwood flooring” type).  Installation is quite easy with the laminate floor boards simply snapping and locking into place.  Laminate flooring comes in many colors, styles and patterns can be made to look like wood, stone or tile.  We typically see people opt to use laminate flooring in kitchens and bathrooms or a room in their home that experiences heavy foot traffic.  One of the biggest pros with laminate flooring is that it is hard to dent or scratch it. 


Carpeting is a great flooring option due to the fact that it comes in such a wide variety of colors, textures and patterns.  Depending on what the homeowner is looking for, carpeting can be quite cheap.  It can get more expensive depending on the type of carpeting the homeowner is looking for.  The good part about carpeting is that it is warm, plush, soft and it also absorbs sound pretty well depending on the type of carpeting.  Typically, putting carpeting down will require a professional installer, which can be good or bad depending on the homeowner’s flooring budget.  The downside to carpeting is that it needs to be cleaned frequently as it has the tendency to hold allergens and dirt. Due to the fact that moisture and mold can be housed quite easily by carpeting, it is not the recommended flooring choice for bathrooms and kitchens.  Carpeting probably isn’t the best choice for allergy sufferers.   

Looking for more information on flooring choices?  Feel free to leave us a comment below or contact us.